What exactly will we be reporting? You will submit your Federal EEO-1 data, which is employee
headcount by race, ethnicity, sex and job category. The information collected is exactly what you
currently submit, if required, to the EEOC.
When will the portal be open for data submission? The portal is now open for pre-2022 EE0-1 data
and Fall 2023 for 2022 data.
How do I upload my data? You can upload (drag and drop) the CSV file the Federal Government
requires or manually input your data.
How often will organizations have to share their data? Once per year. We ask that organizations
commit to at least three years of data starting Fall 2023.
What is the deadline for submitting our data? 2022 EEO-1 data and subsequent years will have an
annual July deadline that coincides with the federal reporting timeline. We ask that you upload all
previous years, dating back to 2019 as soon as possible and no later than submission for this year
(Fall 2023).
Who will see the data? Your organization will be given a unique identifier. Your organization’s
name will not be associated with your data. Only authorized Chamber staff will have access to the
unique identifier data. Your stored data can only be accessed and seen by your staff that you
authorize. Organizations can access their own data and are able to benchmark by industry OR size,
but no one will see your specific data but you.
Who in my organization has access to the data? Each organization will be able to identify up to five
employees who can access the data portal. There will be one data administrator, who is the only
employee who can upload the data. This administrator will be the only one allowed to assign up to
four additional viewers within the organization who can view visualizations but make no changes to
the data.
Will you share specific organizations data or aggregate? No specific organizational data will be
shared. While organizations can benchmark themselves, all other organizations data/information
will be aggregated and anonymized.
What is the care and handling of the data? We are committed to ensuring that all data is
protected. We understand the sensitivity and utilize industry best practices, including unique
identifier masking and multi-factor identification, along with the Cloud Flare and Heroku platforms.
We also have an optional NDA agreement.
How many other organizations will share data? We currently have more than 60 businesses who
have signed the pledge and several additional organizations who have expressed an interest in pledging. We will be sharing the names of pledged partners – that wish to be made public – in the
near future. We have offices outside of Greater Madison.
Should we report our entire organization or Greater
Madison/Dane County employee information? We ask organizations with multiple locations only to submit Greater Madison data. This is defined by being in one of the following counties: Columbia,
Dane, Dodge, Green, Iowa, Jefferson, Rock, Sauk AND within a 50-mile radius of the City of
What about people that are remote? According to the EEOC: Employees who work remotely must
be included for the establishment to which they report. Under no circumstances should an
employee’s home address be reported in any EEO-1 report.
What are the portal features? A short tutorial video will be shared with each organizations
administrator to walk them through the log-in process and how to access the different features. The
portal has the following tabs: Dashboard, Import, Data, Reports, Settings, and Viewer Information.
Within the Dashboard is where organizations will be able to visualize and download data, as well as
see an overview of their current employee headcount (total number of employees, total number of
employees in leadership roles, and percentage of diverse employees). This Dashboard is also where
you can use filter capabilities for race/ethnicity, gender, and job category. It also allows you to
switch year-to-year and benchmark your own historical data, others in your industry, and compare
to different size organizations.
How are organizational sizes delineated? There are four subsets based on employee size: Small (1-
100), Medium (101-300), Large (301-1,000 ), and enterprise (+1,000).
I have submitted my data but realize I need to make changes; how do I do that? Please contact
admin@dije.us to revise any data submission concerns.
Questions? For further inquiry, please contact admin@dije.us or call 608-443-1948.
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